Family Care KIDS Has Five Different Classrooms to Facilitate Learning and Care
Each child in the classroom is highly valued as uniquely created individuals by God. The approach to each child’s learning is shaped by their unique life experience, interests, and abilities.
We understand every child comes with their own story. Our teachers are sensitive to that. All of our teachers are trauma-informed, and their goal is to grow and develop a beautiful classroom environment full of children engaged in joyful, playful, and appropriately challenging learning.
Snack time is important in so many ways. We provide snacks for enrolled children between 9:00 – 9:30 am and 3:00 – 3:30 pm. We help children learn to make healthy choices and it’s a great time for socialization.
Infants (2 rooms – 6 weeks to 12 months)
These first weeks and months of a baby’s life are a period of amazing development. New skills and movements form quickly. Most importantly, infants need caring people who offer: a soft calming voice, smiles, eye contact, cuddling, tummy time, storytime, singing time, encouragement to reach, roll, explore, get on all fours, make sounds, play, and an environment that has just the right amount of sensory stimulation to develop curiosity and explore with staff or with their little friends.
At Family Care KIDS we provide all of this and we help you maintain your baby’s schedules or reset them if you need help with that. We communicate baby’s feedings, diaper changes, mood, naps, and the great things they did each day. We care about cleanliness, safety, and that your baby is loved. We enhance the development of your baby with daily lesson plans that are just right for each of them – speech, hearing, senses, colors, shapes, early problem-solving, emotions, motion, and movement.
Toddlers (2 rooms – 12 months to 24 months)
Your baby enters their second year and becomes a toddler, crawling vigorously, starting to walk, and even talking a little. They continue to depend entirely on their family even as their universe is expanding on a daily basis and their awareness of being an individual and enthusiasm for play and the company of other children increases. To help guide all of this fabulous potential, no matter what your toddler loves to do and where they are in their development, we are here to support you!
Classroom Experience
In our toddler classroom, we help your child make the transition from home to our care and learning center by providing a secure, safe, and fun classroom experience. Forming a relationship with your toddler is our priority and privilege.
We plan a daily schedule to help your child know what to expect and feel good and excited about what’s up next. We prepare age-specific activities based on our years of early childhood experience. Each child’s stage of development is considered by the teaching staff to allow for the best possible opportunity for learning and growth.
We engage your child’s brain through hands-on activities that they can count, sort, fiddle and create – all with the goal of ‘experiencing their learning’ – the best way for a young child!
We provide plenty of opportunities for building vocabulary and the expression of what is in their head and heart! Feelings run faster than they can at this age so we help them understand that about themselves and their class friends. Reading stories and recognizing print around the classroom come together during our friends’ group times each day. Expressing what’s inside comes out through planned and open-ended art mediums, scribble coloring, music, movement, and singing; and as they get a little closer to being two, pretend play with friends starts to emerge.
2 Years (2 rooms – older and younger)
Your child is advancing from toddlerhood and toward the preschool years. During this time, your child is on the move, establishing more freedom and you can expect to see some tremendous intellectual, social and emotional changes. You’ll notice your child becoming more independent. There is a tug on their family heartstrings even as they start to “pull away” from total dependence.
At Family Care KIDS we understand this and we help your child make the transition from home to our care and learning center by providing a secure, safe, and fun classroom experience. Forming a relationship with your two-year-old is our priority and so important for a happy child.
What They’ll Be Learning
We plan a daily schedule to help your child know what to expect and feel good and excited about what they get to do next. They will learn how to “read” the pictures on the schedule so when they are moving from group time to free choice time, they know exactly where to go.
We prepare age-specific activities based on our years of early childhood experience. Their world is opening up right in front of them so each child’s unique stage of development is considered by the teaching staff to allow for the best possible opportunity for learning and growth.
We engage their brain with a variety of materials to create curiosity and wonder. Each day our teaching staff’s plans include Learning Centers with block building, manipulatives such as lacing, puzzles, things to count and group by color or shape, art easel, dramatic play home, library, cars, trucks, dress up, babies to feed and the list goes on.
We gather as a group and learn to be friends, read books, sing, dance, play instruments, march around, and have so much fun! We understand and encourage the beginnings of independence whether it is potty training, washing hands, coloring only on paper, sinking their fingers into playdough, or turning the pages of a book.
3 Years (1 room)
With your child’s third birthday, the “terrible twos” are behind you and the emotionally calm child of three now emerges—a time when your child’s world will be filled with fantasy and vivid imagination. During this year, you’ll see more independence. There will be more interest in new experiences and a strong desire to be with other children. This is the time of why’s? and choices and a big jump in wanting new experiences… their brain is connecting more of the dots.
At Family Care KIDS, we prepare for this and we help your child discover the answers to all he or she asks about. We know that play is a young child’s best way to learn so we offer plenty of opportunities for them to play and learn throughout the classroom.
Classroom Experience
Walking in, you will see teaching staff interacting with children as they become more accomplished in art, talking with friends, and sharing their own experiences and feelings.
We provide experiences to awaken their senses and their awareness of the world God created. Messy is a sign of exploration and they even learn to clean it up! They pour, mix, sift, measure, and dig into all sorts of materials and then they’ll pull out the magnifying glass to get a really close look at life.
4 – 5 Years (1 room)
Changes now come rapidly! This time for your child is marked by the formation of close ties and friendships with children of the same age. They have boundless energy, a mind that is now thinking more concretely and they’re absorbing information and experiences from all directions. Your child will begin to express themselves more, observe others and allow their imaginations to run wild. All of this behavior and thinking will help your youngster build a secure foundation as he or she emerges into the world of kindergarten.
The Learning Possibilities are Endless
In our classrooms, we help encourage the budding scientist, architect, fashion designer, chef, or artist by planning specific activities to open their mind to the possibilities, questions, reasoning, and problem-solving to help build their confidence.
We model a love for books and reading. We know that language is one of the keys to success. Opportunities are sprinkled throughout the day for children to speak up and gain confidence to express themselves whether it’s to a friend or a teacher or in front of the entire class during group time.
We support each child’s language and work on training their ear to hear letter sounds and word formation. Children this age are beginning to understand that letters make sounds and words and those words make sentences and sentences tell us a story. That’s when their minds and imaginations bloom! As the children gain muscle strength in their hands, legible writing starts. These children are at the very beginning stages, so we encourage every attempt, even backward and upside down!
We turn numbers and foundational math skills into experiments and hands-on fun! Small groups, whole groups, or one-on-one math is never boring. We encourage and allow for problem-solving and reasoning with classroom activities and every attempt is applauded.